kayak chile upper fuy aerial
  • River Suite (pp dbl occ) – $3,390.00
  • Retreat Hosteria (pp dbl occ) – $3,090.00
  • Hosteria Cabin C (Sleeps 5 to 6; pp dbl occ/room) – $3,090.00

Dates JAN 4 - 11

Who Should Go (Advanced): Kayakers with solid whitewater experience seeking Chiles river running, creeking, and waterfall experiences.

KAYAKER Centric Progressions: Individual progression will focus on the art of kayak flight, safety protocol, aerial technique, protection and safety positioning, controlling angle of pierce, angle of boof, edging and dipping, stomping, decision making, and media will utilize world class features as our stomping waters.


ARRIVAL CITY/TIMES: Temuco Airport (ZCO), JAN 4 (11 AM to 5 PM)

DEPARTURE CITY/TIMES: Temuco Airport (ZCO), JAN 1 (11 AM to 5 PM)

Contact Us About This Trip

Fuy Plus Pucon Rivers (ADVANCED)

January 4 - 11, 2025

Kayak Chile’s Fuy Plus Pucon Rivers

Multi-Sport for Non-Kayaker Friends Option.

Tentative itinerary at bottom of page.

By request this trip logistically aligns advanced kayakers and their non-kayaker friends. Non-kayakers will have a separate premium multi-sport adventure trip. Some activities like our Rio San Pedro, Termas Geometricas, and other options are designed to share the day’s experiences together. And kayakers have the option to skip a kayak session to participate in a specific multi-sport adventure. Nightly, both groups come together for appetizers, dinner, and fire to share stories of their epic experiences.

Read more Fuy Plus Pucon Multi-Sport.

Fuy Plus Pucon Rivers.

Fuy Plus Pucon logistically aligns two of Chile’s best whitewater regions during the optimal flow month of January. Rio Fuy flowing approximately 20 kilometers from Lago Neltume to Lago Panguipulli has a short and energetic life through three runnable volcanic basalt canyons. The Upper Fuy’s waterfall wonder-water is our primary target, a 4 KM waterfall paradise. Clear blue water, boofs to charge, and of course “Las Leonas.” Las Leonas is a series of three waterfalls where tourists gather for photos of the 25 footer, 12 footer, and 16 footer.

About the Fuy Area

PHOTO. Kayaker’s celebrating after running the Upper Fuy’s Las Leonas cascades. “Wanna go again?”

Kayak Chile Upper Fuy Leonas CascadesIt’s like an Ewok fantasy land. We’re serious, a giant Ewok architected spiraling tree hotel is the center-piece of one of Chile’s most outrageous eco-parks based right at the Las Leonas section (series of clean waterfalls). Structures in this area match the magic of the forests, lakes, volcanos, glaciers, and canyon drainages. Lago Neltume is the narrow lake leading from the Argentina border collecting glacial melt and overflowing into the Rio Fuy. Within 12 miles the Fuy makes it’s way through a handful of canyons and three river sections before it drains into Lago Panguipulli. The cascades are world renowned and travelers globally visit just for the vistas. But kayakers are the real ones that get to explore the magic canyons.

Kayaking Upper Fuy Canyon (III to IV+)

PHOTO. Aerial photo of Chile’s Upper Fuy Las Leonas waterfalls. 

kayak chile upper fuy aerialPaddling out of Lago Neltume into the Upper Fuy River this is waterfall and river running paradise. Over 20 classic drops including the Las Leonas (the Lions) triple header 25 – 16- and 12 footers. The most amazing clear blue you will kayak. Four kilometers of slides, playful waves, boofs galore and waterfalls. At the optimal levels it’s what we would call easy creeking. At the wrong levels some rapids are terrifying and require experience to avoid.

PHOTO. More boofs than you can shake a stick at on the Upper Fuy. 

kayak chile boof rio fuy

Middle Fuy Canyon Below Class V Section (III+ to IV+)

While, the Middle Fuy Canyon is aggressively high in January we have an access point below the class V section. This run out section is a euphoric fast paced boof fest. Trekking down the Middle Fuy Canyon you get the sense of awesomeness. Then you arrive to waterfalls veiling down the lush green walls. Its hot, so jump in and cool off in the turquoise pool. About a 3 KM stretch of busy class III to IV boofing lies ahead of you. At high flows this section gets serious. But at January levels it is an excellent canyon experience below the more aggressive dangers of the Middle Canyon 50 footer section. We’ll bip-bop our way down boofing endless boulders. Take out at the bridge or continue down the easier Lower Fuy section for more vistas and boofs.

Kayaking Pucon Rivers.

PHOTO. Our backyard Pucon rivers provide an excellent warmer upper for our Fuy +PLUS leg. 

Backyard Pucon laps. Kayakers will get two to three days of Pucon’s best advanced rivers including sections of the Palguin and Trancura Rivers. Our back yard Trancura offers the best class III+ to V in the area. We’ll mix Upper Trancura, Upper Palguin, and other local laps as a warmer upper for our Fuy roadtrip.


Tentative Fuy Plus Pucon Kayaking Itinerary.

*Due to varying river levels and individual skills we retain flexibility with the itinerary. For example, Fuy and Pucon destinations could be flip flopped due to levels.

Day 1, SAT. Airport Transfer (arrive between 11 AM to 5 PM). Drive to retreat, outfit boats, possible Lower Trancura river assessment run(pending timing) to wash off the travel. Welcome to Chile appetizers, dinner and orientation.

AM – Airport Transfers.
PM – 2:30 PM River Assessment and fun.

Day 2, SUN. Rio Liucura or Upper Trancura. Afternoon appetizers/provisions

Day 3, MON. Maichin, Trancura, or Palguin.

Day 4, TUE. Rio San Pedro (read more)
AM – Early departure for San Pedro.
PM – Drive to Lago Panguipulli Lodging (Lower Fuy Takeout)

Day 5, WED. Rio Fuy Fun.
AM – Breakfast and Lower Fuy with Middle Fuy below class V canyon advanced option.
PM – Upper  Rio Fuy Option.

Day 6, THU. Mas Fuy. 
AM – Fuy Choice Lap
PM – Return to Pucon

Day 7, FRI. Choice Pucon River Sections.
AM – Upper Palguin laps or session a clean waterfall.
PM – Upper Palguin with optional double header Upper Trancura lap to home base. 

Day 8. Pack. Temuco Airport Transfers (flights between 11 AM to 5 PM).

Want to extend your trip? Speak to a real person? [email protected] or +1-828-788-5135