Meet Dylan Wallace – Team Buena Onda

TITLES: RMOC Raft Guide Trainer, Eagle Scout, Tuba Player, RMOC Kayak Instructor, Instructor University of VT


Dylan was first introduced to the retreat when co-instructing with PKR owner at Colorado’s Rocky Mountain Outdoor Center. As an avid chaser of all things whitewater kayaking Dylan enjoys post work Pine Creek and Numbers laps equally as much as Chile’s Rios Palguin and Trancura. A multi-year kayak instructor with RMOC, University of Vermont and Pucon Kayak Retreat have given Dylan plenty of industry experience. Proficient in both Swiftwater rescue and wilderness first aid make Dylan an asset for any expedition. Dylan has a minor in music with specialty in tuba.

Dylan first came to Chile to charge class V rivers and waterfalls chasing his kayaking dream during the Chilean summers. Soon, Dylan began guiding kayak instructional, institution and multi-sport trips at the retreat. As a lead instructor with UVM Dylan teaches future industry leaders and helped start PKR’s 2023 Student Kayak Trip.

INSTRUCTIONAL STYLE: Calming, reassuring, student-centric

Dylan’s experience leading UVM students from beginner to advanced kayaking has proved to be an instructor feeder program to RMOC, and now PKR too. Dylan has a soft instructor style helping students assess their skills versus rapids. Knowledgeable of all kayak skill levels Dylan’s commits his attention and time to each individual student. Whether you are a beginner just learning your roll, an intermediate practicing ferry angles and piercing eddies, an advanced kayaker charging boofs, or a class V boater seeking to paddle toss a waterfall Dylan can help progress your skills.

Blue Chile Hot Springs

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