Advanced Wilderness First Aid + Swiftwater Rescue Tech + Chile Kayaking

Beginners can learn to kayak Chile rivers too. Learn to roll your kayak and even run a waterfall.

Two 10-day modules offer students AWFA or SRT certifications + kayak instruction on Pucon Chile rivers during the holiday break.

Can I do this trip with zero kayaking experience? Yes, we are teaching beginners, intermediates, and advanced kayakers at their respective levels. Read section on Chile kayaking and skills below.

Advanced Wilderness First Aid CERT + Chile Kayaking

Students earn the AWFA certification by SOLO within an instruction curriculum focused on whitewater scenarios. Chilean outdoor leaders will also be participating in this program.

Total Program Cost. Camping, $2,900 OR Dorms, $3,300
Dates. DEC 13 – 22 (See Itinerary below)

“Can we go climb everyday?” Asked, CMC’s Riley French. If we secure six students keen in the climbing program then we will fund transport, coaching, and infrastructure to operate a climbing program along with the AWFA certification.

Climbing Minimum 6 Person Deadline, NOV 15.

Swiftwater Rescue Technician Pro CERT + Chile Kayaking

Students earn certification via the Swiftwater Safety Institute’s SRT-Pro instruction curriculum.
*Swiftwater exercises oriented toward whitewater kayaking and rafting scenarios.

Total Program Cost. Camping, $2,900 OR Dorms, $3,300
Dates. Available DEC, 2023 (Tentative DEC 2023 Itinerary below)

BEST DEAL! AWFA + SRT-Pro + Chile Kayaking

Total Program Cost. Camping, $5,600 OR Dorms, $6,300
Dates. DEC 2023 (Enquire to learn more)

Students earn certifications in AWFA and SRT-I whilst kayaking Chile rivers. Prep yourself for industry employment and have the holiday break of a lifetime.

AWFA + Chile Kayaking Itinerary, DEC 13 – 22

DEC 13, Temuco (ZCO) 11 AM to 5 PM Arrivals. Welcome to retreat, orientation and WFR review.
DEC 14, AWFA Review + Chile Kayaking.
DEC 15 – 18, AWFA Class
DEC 19, Chile Kayaking + Farewell Celebration Asado
DEC 22, Chile Kayaking + Departures

SRT + Chile Kayaking Itinerary, DEC 22 – 31

DEC 22, Temuco (ZCO) 11 AM to 5 PM Arrivals. Welcome to retreat, orientation, kayaking option.
DEC 23 – 27. Chile Kayaking Lessosn and Rivers.
DEC 28 – 30, SRT Classes. Optional post-class kayaking pending instructor decision.
DEC 31, Temuco (ZCO) 11 AM to 5 PM Departures.

About Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Chile Kayaking Options

Beginner Kayak Instruction. Beginner kayakers will first learn the stroke fundamentals and kayaking roll development.  As early as your second day you will get to run river sections as you continue to develop strokes and your roll. Did you know some beginners even run a waterfall before they depart.

Intermediate Kayak Instruction. Intermediates will continue kayaking development on safe class II+ to III rivers with objectives to gain confidence with combat rolls, eddy catching, scouting, rier running and experiencing Chile rivers. Option to run clean waterfall in hard shell kayak or inflatable kayaks.

Advanced Kayak Instruction. This may be the most exciting group as they daily will progress kayak skills on Pucon’s famous rivers, boofs, and waterfalls. Advanced kayak progressions incldue safety and rescue, scouting “relative” class V, eddy piercing, safety setting and decision making, and waterfall running.

More About Kayaking Chile Rivers and Waterfalls

This is the fun part. Chile rivers are famous for clear blue colors, quality features, and clean waterfalls. We mix river running and waterfalls to practice a diverse range of skills. Bring your camera and elbow pads… this is gonna be fun.

River Running Skills. Scouting and setting safety; piercing and controlling eddies; boofing; aggressive ferrying; catching challenging eddies; extreme race techniques; downriver play.

Waterfall Skills. Assessing lines; protection positions; art of kayak flight; pitch degree control; boofing; stomping; freestyle.


Who should apply? Intermediate to advanced student kayakers keen to master river running and waterfall techniques.

Am I good enough? The great thing about Chile rivers is the diverse range intermediate to advance features idea for development. Students with a growth mindset to accept failures as opportunities for learning will progress in this safe learning environment. So, your roll is not bombproof. We’ll help you get there.

Can non-students apply?  Yes. This Chile Rivers and Waterfall tour is open to non-students keen to learn and explore. Due to holiday break timing the trip is most popular with students.

Can families do a trip?  Let your family know they can enjoy a vacation too with a multi-sport or kayaking week long holiday.

Gift your student a Trip. Ask your family for this trip to be your holiday gift? Could be your best present ever. Read more “Gift a Trip.” 

Is it Safe? The student program begins with the industry standard for safety instruction with the Swiftwater Rescue Tech I certification course. We are dedicated to teaching students proper sfety principles and decision making skills.

What about lodging? In Pucon students will stay riverside in treehouse dorms or camp at the kayaker world famous Pucon Kayak Retreat. Campers will need personal camping supplies such as tent and sleeping bags. Tents are available for rent.



  • Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
  • Kayak Rental
  • Airport Transfer *per scheduled times
  • Riverside Community & Lodging
  • World’s Best Kayak Instruction
  • Daily River Transports

Not Included.

  • Optional meals out
  • Personal camping
  • Optional multi-adventure options such as massage therapy or hot springs
  • Snacks and souvenirs


 Lodging Options

Treehouse Dorms or Camping

Bring your tent. 

Trip Details

Skill Level: Beg – Int – Adv

Deposit:  $600 or $1,200 deposit. Read Payment Guarantees

Arrival City: Temuco (ZCO)

Departure City:  Temuco (ZCO)

Trip Length: 10 or 20 Days

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