Guide – Industry Pros 50% Discount Form Uncategorized Guides – Pros 40% DISCOUNT Form Complete the form to receive 40% DISCOUNT code. Step 1 of 3 33% Your Personal InformationYour Name First Last Your Email Address Enter Email Confirm Email Your PhoneTell Us About Yourself Industry EmploymentWe’d like to confirm your pro status. Completing this section is acknowledgement to make contact. Company You Currently RepresentIndustry EmployerDatesPositionManager NameManager Email Add Remove Are you interested in guiding Chile rivers & multi-sport rivers?Transparency Clause. It’s our goal that you love your Chile trip so much that you’re stoked to share the best form of marketing, Word of Mouth. And we know guides have big ones. Would you be interested to potentially kayak or multi-sport guide with us in future?Check levels that you are qualified and comfortable to guide. I’m interested to guide in Chile beginner kayak or inflatable kayak trips. I’m interested to guide in Chile intermediate kayak rivers. I’m interested to guide in Chile intermediate kayak rivers. I’m interested to guide in Chile multi-sport adventures including but not limited to hikes, hot springs, wine tasting, horsies, rafting, fishing… you get the idea. . I’m not interested to guide but happy to give word of mouth shout outs. What is your kayak & adventure guide expectations for Chile?Check all that apply. I’m a beginner kayaker keen to kayak rivers, raft/inflatable kayak, hike & experience multi-sport adventures. I’m an intermediate kayaker stoked to improve kayak skills on Chile rivers. I’m an advanced kayaker stoked to run waterfalls, send some boofs, and just run some stouts. I’d be stoked to experience a selection of multi-sport adventures while in Chile. Other. We transparently are seeking industry leaders, influencers and your support.Assuming you have a wonderful kayak or multi-sport adventure experience we’d like to ask for your industry related support. Check all that apply. If you enjoy your trip would you refer guests to the retreat? If you enjoy your trip would you be interested to learn about our guest referrals options and compensation packages? If you enjoy your trip would you be interested potentially co-guide your company guests in Chile. Assuming we train you proper. I’m immediately interested in Chile guide work, and interested to learn more about guest referral opportunities. I’m not interested in Chile guide work, but am happy to share my positive experiences. Other. Refer a guide or industry pro that might enjoy this trip discount.Please provide names and emails per peer referral. Terms, Conditions & Followup Steps(Required)Thank you for your time. 1. We’re reviewing your form. Feel free to send us a reminder email as the season gets busy. 2. Goal is to APPRVE and email your 50% DISCOUNT code. 3. Your agreement to terms simply means your statements are true and we have permission to check your professional status. Thank you for your time and thoughts. Team Buena Onda. I agree to the terms and conditions.