“Which Chile trip is right for you?” (3 minutes) Let us assess and advise the best trip for your skills and adventure needs. Multi-Adventure & Kayak AbilitiesWhich craft do you prefer? I prefer multisport adventures, to be guided or paddle an inflatable. Inflatable Kayak (ducky or pack raft). Stable creek or river runner kayak. Half slice or play boat kayak. Raft. Check your top preferences. Carrying your kayak. Can hike or carry kayak in and out of canyons, challenging portages, and extended access points.. Comfortable hiking or carrying kayak on normal terrain to access points. Need assistance with difficult terrain and extended lengths. Need assistance carrying kayak. Prefer multi-sport list of adventures. Check all that apply. If non-kayaker then select the appropriate level of hiking activities. Adventuring/kayaking periods of length. Can adventure or kayak all day. Can adventure or kayak all day but prefer breaks. Need adventuring or kayaking breaks to relieve body. Check all that apply. Kayak ExperiencePaddling I prefer multisport adventures, to be guided or paddle an inflatable. No to little kayaking on easy water. I’ve had beginner lessons and paddling. I’ve paddled intermediate rivers (II to III+). I’ve paddled advanced rivers (III+ and beyond). I paddle expert levels with confidence (IV and beyond). Check all that apply. Boat Control I prefer multisport adventures, to be guided or paddle an inflatable. Gaining confidence controlling edge and paddling aggressive on easy sections. I’ve had beginner lessons and paddling. I’ve paddled intermediate rivers (II to III+). I’ve paddled advanced rivers (III+ and beyond). I paddle expert levels with confidence (IV and beyond). I prefer to have someone guide me or paddle an inflatable. Thank you. No whitewater for me. Check all that apply. Rolling I prefer multisport adventures, to be guided or paddle an inflatable. No lessons and never attempted. I’ve had lessons but rarely roll. I can hit flatwater roll 50% or better. I can hit flatwater roll 50% to 80%. My combat roll needs work. Combat roll is solid. Let’s go. Which best describes you?Running Rapids and Confidence I need fundamental lessons before kayaking rapids. I’m running class II to III rapids and still timid. I’m running class II to III and ready to up my game. I’m starting to make moves like catch eddies, make ferries, and play the river. Challenge me on every line. I prefer multisport adventures, to be guided or paddle an inflatable. Which best describes you?MindsetDescribe your confidence level. Confident running or playing class IV and beyond. I am confident up to class III and get nervous beyond. I am apt to get nervous and perform lower than my skills. At times I get intimidated and lose focus. I have been known to freeze up mentally when scared. I’d like to learn more about performing at game time skills. I prefer multisport adventures, to be guided or paddle an inflatable. Name(Required) Please provide your name, email and whatsapp (add + in front of phone number). Email(Required) Share your email and we will send you solutions that address your answers.Phone